The European project Made in Nature: Discover The Principles Of European Organic Farming inaugurates its third year of activity with a special event dedicated to journalists and influencers from France and Germany. For the occasion has been organized a cooking show in the historical home of Casa Artusi, the house-museum dedicated to the master of Italian cuisine in which seasonal organic fruit and vegetables have been presented.
Despite all the difficulties the 2020 has been a positive year for organic farming which, following the data of the Ismea-Sinab report, place Italy as the first European country for the number of farms engaged in organic farming, with over 80,000 operators involved and an area of almost 2 million hectares (15.8% of the utilized agricultural area) far above the EU average (about 8%), above competitors such as Spain (10.1%), Germany (9.07 %) and France (8.06%), with a value of more than 3.3 billion euros and a 4% weight on the Italian market.
The event, held online due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, was also an opportunity to present the first results of 2020 by CSO Italy, with the intervention of Paolo Bruni, president of CSO Italy who introduced the project to journalists and influencers together with the results of the second year.
The live cooking of Casa Artusi has given the possibility to discover how to use the organic and seasonal products supplied by the companies. We started, therefore, with a cauliflower flan on Jerusalem artichoke sauce with artichoke chips, the various procedures of which were illustrated, to then move on to crispy cardoons with tomato sauce.
Marie Mansuy-Fèvre for Conserve Italia in France has intervened for the companies in the project and focused attention on the high quality of Italian raw materials, also appreciated in France for their taste: “Made in Nature it is an important opportunity to make products known and spread the values of organic farming ».
Made in Nature: Discover The Principles Of European Organic Farming will continue its promotional activities in 2021, proposing innovative communication formats, for consumers in Italy, France and Germany with the fresh and processed organic product of leading Italian production companies such as Brio, Canova, Conserve Italia, Lagnasco Group, RK Growers, Veritas Biofrutta and Mazzoni.